Source for file
Documentation is available at
* This file is part of the VCL for PHP project
* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 qadram software <>
* Checkout AUTHORS file for more information on the developers
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
define('stRectangle', 'stRectangle');
define('stSquare', 'stSquare');
define('stRoundRect', 'stRoundRect');
define('stRoundSquare', 'stRoundSquare');
define('stEllipse', 'stEllipse');
define('stCircle', 'stCircle');
define('bsTopLine', 'bsTopLine');
define('bsBottomLine', 'bsBottomLine');
define('bsLeftLine', 'bsLeftLine');
define('bsRightLine', 'bsRightLine');
define('bsSpacer', 'bsSpacer');
define('bsLowered', 'bsLowered');
define('bsRaised', 'bsRaised');
* A class to encapsulate and display an image.
//Calls inherited constructor
$this->ControlStyle= "csAcceptsControls=1";
$this->ControlStyle= "csRenderOwner=1";
$this->ControlStyle= "csRenderAlso=StyleSheet";
* Returns the absolute image path.
private function getImageSourcePath()
return dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']). '/'. $this->_imagesource;
$bordersize = ($this->_border == 1) ? 2* 1 : 0;
list ($width, $height, $type, $attr) = $result;
$this->Width = $width + $bordersize;
$this->Height = $height + $bordersize;
$submitEventValue = $this->input->{$this->getJSWrapperHiddenFieldName()};
// check if the a click event has been fired
$map = "usemap=\"#map$this->_name\"";
$events = $this->readJsEvents();
// add or replace the JS events with the wrappers if necessary
$imgwidth = $this->Width;
// first let's get the image size
list ($imgwidth, $imgheight, $type, $attr) = $result;
$divstyle .= " width: $this->_width; ";
$divstyle .= " height: $this->_height; ";
$divstyle .= "border:1px dashed gray;";
// add the cursor to the style
$divstyle .= "cursor: $cr;";
$bordersize = ($this->_border == 1) ? 2* 1 : 0;
// actual image is smaller than the area where it should be displayed
$attr .= " width=\"$imgwidth\" ";
$attr .= " height=\"$imgheight\" ";
// only height of image is bigger
$w = floor(($imgwidth * $h) / $imgheight);
// only width of image is bigger
$h = floor(($imgheight * $w) / $imgwidth);
// both sides of the image are bigger
// Check which side is bigger
$w = floor(($imgwidth * $h) / $imgheight);
$h = floor(($imgheight * $w) / $imgwidth);
$attr .= " width=\"$w\" ";
$attr .= " height=\"$h\" ";
$divstyle .= "overflow: hidden;";
$attr .= " width=\"$imgwidth\" ";
$attr .= " height=\"$imgheight\" ";
$divstyle .= "text-align: center;";
$imgstyle .= "margin-top: $margin;";
$hint = $this->getHintAttribute();
$attr .= " border=\"$this->_border\" ";
if ($this->_bordercolor!= "") $attr .= " style=\" border-color: $this->_bordercolor \" ";
$class = ($this->Style != "") ? "class=\"$this->StyleClass\"" : "";
echo "<div id=\"{$this->_name}_container\" style=\" $divstyle\" $class> ";
echo "<A HREF=\"". $this->_link. "\" $hint ";
if ($imgstyle != "") $imgstyle = "style=\"$imgstyle\"";
// no hidden field to dump since it's a read-only control
echo "<img id=\"$this->_name\" src=\"$this->_imagesource\" $attr $imgstyle $class $hint $map $events />";
// add a hidden field so we can determine which event for the label was fired
$hiddenwrapperfield = $this->getJSWrapperHiddenFieldName();
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"$hiddenwrapperfield\" name=\"$hiddenwrapperfield\" value=\"\" />";
if ($this->_link != "") echo "</A>";
echo "<map name=\"map$this->_name\">\n";
* Write the Javascript section to the header
// only output the same function once;
// otherwise if for example two buttons use the same
// OnClick event handler it would be outputted twice.
// output the wrapper function
* Publish the events for the component
* Occurs when the user clicks the control.
* @return mixed Returns the event handler or null if no handler is set.
function getOnClick () { return $this->_onclick; }
* Occurs when the user clicks the control.
* @param mixed $value Event handler or null to unset.
function setOnClick ($value) { $this->_onclick= $value; }
function defaultOnClick () { return null; }
* Occurs before the image tag is written to the stream sent to the client.
* Use this event to modifiy the image source.
* @return mixed Event handler or null to unset.
* Occurs before the image tag is written to the stream sent to the client.
* Use this event to modifiy the image source.
* @param mixed $value Event handler or null to unset.
function setOnCustomize ($value) { $this->_oncustomize= $value; }
function defaultOnCustomize () { return null; }
* Publish the JS events for the component
function getjsOnClick () { return $this->readjsOnClick(); }
function setjsOnClick ($value) { $this->writejsOnClick($value); }
function getjsOnDblClick () { return $this->readjsOnDblClick(); }
function setjsOnDblClick ($value) { $this->writejsOnDblClick($value); }
function getjsOnMouseDown () { return $this->readjsOnMouseDown(); }
function setjsOnMouseDown ($value) { $this->writejsOnMouseDown($value); }
function getjsOnMouseUp () { return $this->readjsOnMouseUp(); }
function setjsOnMouseUp ($value) { $this->writejsOnMouseUp($value); }
function getjsOnMouseOver () { return $this->readjsOnMouseOver(); }
function setjsOnMouseOver ($value) { $this->writejsOnMouseOver($value); }
function getjsOnMouseMove () { return $this->readjsOnMouseMove(); }
function setjsOnMouseMove ($value) { $this->writejsOnMouseMove($value); }
function getjsOnMouseOut () { return $this->readjsOnMouseOut(); }
function setjsOnMouseOut ($value) { $this->writejsOnMouseOut($value); }
function getjsOnKeyPress () { return $this->readjsOnKeyPress(); }
function setjsOnKeyPress ($value) { $this->writejsOnKeyPress($value); }
function getjsOnKeyDown () { return $this->readjsOnKeyDown(); }
function setjsOnKeyDown ($value) { $this->writejsOnKeyDown($value); }
function getjsOnKeyUp () { return $this->readjsOnKeyUp(); }
function setjsOnKeyUp ($value) { $this->writejsOnKeyUp($value); }
* Publish the properties for the component
* If Autosize is true the control takes over the size of the image.
* This way the image is displayed 100%.
function getAutosize() { return $this->_autosize; }
* If Autosize is true the control takes over the size of the image.
* This way the image is displayed 100%.
function setAutosize($value) { $this->_autosize= $value; }
* Adds a border around the image if true.
function getBorder() { return $this->_border; }
* Adds a border around the image if true.
function setBorder($value) { $this->_border= $value; }
* Color of the border, only has an affect if Border is set to true.
* Use the HTML hex color format. e.g. #FF0000 for red.
* Color of the border, only has an affect if Border is set to true.
* Use the HTML hex color format. e.g. #FF0000 for red.
function setBorderColor($value) { $this->_bordercolor= $value; }
function defaultBorderColor() { return ""; }
* Indicates whether the image is centered in the image control.
* When the image does not fit perfectly within the image control,
* use Center to specify how the image is positioned.
* When Center is true, the image is centered in the control.
* When Center is false, the upper left corner of the image is positioned
* at the upper left corner of the control.
* Note: Center has no effect if the AutoSize property is true.
function getCenter() { return $this->_center; }
* Indicates whether the image is centered in the image control.
* When the image does not fit perfectly within the image control,
* use Center to specify how the image is positioned.
* When Center is true, the image is centered in the control.
* When Center is false, the upper left corner of the image is positioned
* at the upper left corner of the control.
* Note: Center has no effect if the AutoSize property is true.
function setCenter($value) { $this->_center= $value; }
function defaultCenter() { return 0; }
* Fieldname this control is attached to
function getDataField() { return $this->_datafield; }
function setDataField($value) { $this->_datafield= $value; }
function defaultDataField() { return ""; }
* Datasource this control is attached to
function getDataSource() { return $this->_datasource; }
function defaultDataSource() { return ""; }
* Source of the image denotes a path where the image is located.
* This path can be relative to the script or absolute.
* Source of the image denotes a path where the image is located.
* This path can be relative to the script or absolute.
function setImageSource($value) { $this->_imagesource= $value; }
* If Link is set the Caption is rendered as a link.
* @return string Link, if empty string the link is not used.
function getLink() { return $this->_link; }
* If Link is set the Caption is rendered as a link.
* @value string $value Link, if empty string the link is not used.
function setLink($value) { $this->_link= $value; }
* Target attribute when the label acts as a link.
* @link
* @return string The link target as defined by the HTML specs.
function getLinkTarget() { return $this->_linktarget; }
* Target attribute when the label acts as a link.
* @link
* @param string $value The link target as defined by the HTML specs.
function setLinkTarget($value) { $this->_linktarget= $value; }
function getParentShowHint() { return $this->readParentShowHint(); }
function setParentShowHint($value) { $this->writeParentShowHint($value); }
function getPopupMenu() { return $this->readPopupMenu(); }
function setPopupMenu($value) { $this->writePopupMenu($value); }
* Indicates whether the image should be changed, without distortion,
* so that it fits the bounds of the image control.
* Set Proportional to true to ensure that the image can be fully displayed
* in the image control without any distortion. When Proportional is true,
* images that are too large to fit in the image control are scaled down
* (while maintaining the same aspect ratio) until they fit in the image control.
* Images that are too small are displayed normally. That is,
* Proportional can reduce the magnification of the image, but does not increase it.
* Note: The filesize is equal even the image is scaled down.
* Indicates whether the image should be changed, without distortion,
* so that it fits the bounds of the image control.
* Set Proportional to true to ensure that the image can be fully displayed
* in the image control without any distortion. When Proportional is true,
* images that are too large to fit in the image control are scaled down
* (while maintaining the same aspect ratio) until they fit in the image control.
* Images that are too small are displayed normally. That is,
* Proportional can reduce the magnification of the image, but does not increase it.
* Note: The filesize is equal even the image is scaled down.
function setProportional($value) { $this->_proportional= $value; }
function defaultProportional() { return 0; }
function getShowHint() { return $this->readShowHint(); }
function setShowHint($value) { $this->writeShowHint($value); }
function getStyle() { return $this->readstyle(); }
function setStyle($value) { $this->writestyle($value); }
function getVisible() { return $this->readVisible(); }
function setVisible($value) { $this->writeVisible($value); }
* A class to encapsulate a FlashObject.
* This control may be use to include a flash animation into a page.
//Calls inherited constructor
function getVisible() { return $this->readVisible(); }
function setVisible($value) { $this->writeVisible($value); }
* Location of the Flash file (*.swf).
* Path can be relative to the script or absolute.
function getSwfFile() { return $this->_swffile; }
* Location of the Flash file (*.swf).
* Path can be relative to the script or absolute.
function setSwfFile($value) { $this->_swffile= $value; }
$font = ($this->_parent != null) ? $this->_parent->Font->FontString : "";
$bstyle= " style=\"border: 1px dotted #000000; text-align: center; $font\" ";
echo "<table $attr $bstyle><tr><td>". basename($this->_swffile). "</td></tr></table>\n";
echo "<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" codebase=\",0,29,0\" id=\"$this->_name\" width=\"$this->_width\" height=\"$this->_height\">\n";
echo "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"$this->_swffile\" />\n";
echo "<param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\" />\n";
echo "<embed src=\"$this->_swffile\" quality=\"high\" pluginspage=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"$this->_width\" height=\"$this->_height\"></embed>\n";
class ImageMap extends GraphicControl
function __construct($aowner=null)
//Calls inherited constructor
if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning)==csDesigning)
if ($this->_width!="") $attr.=" width=\"$this->_width\" ";
if ($this->_height!="") $attr.=" height=\"$this->_height\" ";
$bstyle=" style=\"border: 1px dotted #000000\" ";
echo "<table $attr $bstyle><tr><td>\n";
echo "<map name=\"$this->_name\">\n";
if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning)==csDesigning)
* Encapsulates a shape for images
function getjsOnMouseOut() { return $this->readjsOnMouseOut(); }
function setjsOnMouseOut($value) { $this->writejsOnMouseOut($value); }
function getjsOnMouseOver() { return $this->readjsOnMouseOver(); }
function setjsOnMouseOver($value) { $this->writejsOnMouseOver($value); }
//Calls inherited constructor
$bstyle= " style=\"border: 1px dotted #000000\" ";
echo "<table $attr $bstyle><tr><td>\n";
$events= $this->readJsEvents();
echo "<area id=\"$this->_name\" shape=\"rect\" coords=\"$l,$t,$w,$h\" href=\"#\" $events />\n";
* ImageFade, to encapsulate an Image with transitions
//Removed due licensing issues
class ImageFade extends Image
protected $_fadedegree=10;
function getDelay() { return $this->_delay; }
function setDelay($value) { $this->_delay=$value; }
function defaultDelay() { return 3000; }
function getFadeDegree() { return $this->_fadedegree; }
function setFadeDegree($value) { $this->_fadedegree=$value; }
function defaultFadeDegree() { return 10; }
function dumpHeaderCode()
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".VCL_HTTP_PATH."/fadeimage/fadeimage.js\"></script>\n";
function getImages() { return $this->_images; }
function setImages($value) { $this->_images=$this->fixupProperty($value); }
function defaultImages() { return ""; }
if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning)==csDesigning)
if ($this->_width!="") $attr.=" width=\"$this->_width\" ";
if ($this->_height!="") $attr.=" height=\"$this->_height\" ";
$bstyle=" style=\"border: 1px dotted #000000\" ";
echo "<table $attr $bstyle><tr><td> </td></tr></table>\n";
else if ($this->_images!=null)
<script type="text/javascript">
var fadeimages=new Array()
while (list($k,$v)=each($images))
echo "fadeimages[$c]=[\"$v\", \"\", \"\"]\n";
new fadeshow(fadeimages, <?php echo $this->_width; ?>, <?php echo $this->_height; ?>, <?php echo $this->_border; ?>, <?php echo $this->_delay; ?>, 0, "R",<?php echo $this->_fadedegree; ?>)
// protected $_layout=XY_LAYOUT;
//Calls inherited constructor
$this->ControlStyle= "csAcceptsControls=1";
$this->ControlStyle= "csRenderOwner=1";
$this->ControlStyle= "csRenderAlso=StyleSheet";
* Specifies the Layer this panel has active, only controls with their Layer property set to ActiveLayer, are shown
function setActiveLayer($value) { $this->_activelayer= $value; }
function defaultActiveLayer() { return 0; }
* Specifies the Background property for this panel
function readBackground() { return $this->_background; }
function writeBackground($value) { $this->_background= $value; }
function defaultBackground() { return ""; }
* Specifies the way the brackground is repeated
function defaultBackgroundRepeat() { return ""; }
* Specifies the position for the background
function defaultBackgroundPosition() { return ""; }
* Specifies the width for the border
function writeBorderWidth($value) { $this->_borderwidth= $value; }
function defaultBorderWidth() { return 0; }
* Fieldname the color for the border
function writeBorderColor($value) { $this->_bordercolor= $value; }
function defaultBorderColor() { return ""; }
* Specifies anything you want to include inside the panel, can be anything valid to include
* on PHP, usually another .php file. Contents will be shown on design time
function readInclude() { return $this->_include; }
function writeInclude($value) { $this->_include= $value; }
function defaultInclude() { return ""; }
function readIsLayer() { return $this->readIsLayer(); }
function writeIsLayer($value) { $this->writeIsLayer($value); }
function defaultIsLayer() { return 0; }
function readDynamic() { return $this->_dynamic; }
function writeDynamic($value) { $this->_dynamic= $value; }
function defaultDynamic() { return 0; }
//if (!$this->Visible) return;
case agNone: $alignment= ""; break;
case agLeft: $alignment= " align=\"Left\" "; break;
case agCenter: $alignment= " align=\"Center\" "; break;
case agRight: $alignment= " align=\"Right\" "; break;
if ($this->Color!= "") $color= " bgcolor=\"$this->Color\" ";
if ($this->Background!= "") $background= " background=\"$this->Background\" ";
if ($this->BackgroundRepeat!= "") $style.= " background-repeat: $this->BackgroundRepeat; ";
if ($this->BackgroundPosition!= "") $style.= " background-position: $this->BackgroundPosition; ";
if ($style!= '') $style= " style=\"$style\" ";
$class = ($this->Style != "") ? "class=\"$this->StyleClass\"" : "";
if ($this->Width!= "") $width= " width=\"$this->Width\" ";
if ($this->Height!= "") $height= " height=\"$this->Height\" ";
$bstyle= " style=\"border: 1px dotted #000000\" ";
$hint = $this->getHintAttribute();
echo "<div id=\"$this->_name\" style=\"top: ". $this->_top. "px; left: ". $this->_left. "px; position: absolute; width: ". $this->_width. "px; height: ". $this->_height. "px; visibility: hidden\" $hint >\n";
$width= " width=\"100%\" ";
$height= " height=\"100%\" ";
echo "<table id=\"{$this->_name}_table\" $width $height border=\"0\" $bstyle cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" $alignment $color $background $style $class $hint>\n ";
if ((($this->ControlState & csDesigning)== csDesigning) || ($this->controls->count()== 0))
$spanstyle = ($this->Style== "") ? "style=\"". $this->Font->FontString. "\"" : "class=\"$this->StyleClass\" ";
echo "<td align=\"center\"><span $spanstyle>$this->Caption</ span>\n ";
echo "<td valign=\"top\">\n";
if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning) != csDesigning)
* A component to group another controls
class Panel extends CustomPanel
function __construct($aowner=null)
//Calls inherited constructor
function getFont() { return $this->readFont(); }
function setFont($value) { $this->writeFont($value); }
function getParentFont() { return $this->readParentFont(); }
function setParentFont($value) { $this->writeParentFont($value); }
function getParentColor() { return $this->readParentColor(); }
function setParentColor($value) { $this->writeParentColor($value); }
function getParentShowHint() { return $this->readParentShowHint(); }
function setParentShowHint($value) { $this->writeParentShowHint($value); }
function getShowHint() { return $this->readShowHint(); }
function setShowHint($value) { $this->writeShowHint($value); }
function getAlignment() { return $this->readAlignment(); }
function setAlignment($value) { $this->writeAlignment($value); }
function getCaption() { return $this->readCaption(); }
function setCaption($value) { $this->writeCaption($value); }
function getColor() { return $this->readColor(); }
function setColor($value) { $this->writeColor($value); }
function getVisible() { return $this->readVisible(); }
function setVisible($value) { $this->writeVisible($value); }
function getBackground() { return $this->readBackground(); }
function setBackground($value) { $this->writeBackground($value); }
function getBackgroundRepeat() { return $this->readBackgroundRepeat(); }
function setBackgroundRepeat($value) { $this->writeBackgroundRepeat($value); }
function getBackgroundPosition() { return $this->readBackgroundPosition(); }
function setBackgroundPosition($value) { $this->writeBackgroundPosition($value); }
function getBorderWidth() { return $this->readBorderWidth(); }
function setBorderWidth($value) { $this->writeBorderWidth($value); }
function getBorderColor() { return $this->readBorderColor(); }
function setBorderColor($value) { $this->writeBorderColor($value); }
function getLayout() { return $this->readLayout(); }
function setLayout($value) { $this->writeLayout($value); }
function getInclude() { return $this->readInclude(); }
function setInclude($value) { $this->writeInclude($value); }
function getIsLayer() { return $this->readIsLayer(); }
function setIsLayer($value) { $this->writeIsLayer($value); }
function getDynamic() { return $this->readDynamic(); }
function setDynamic($value) { $this->writeDynamic($value); }
function getStyle() { return $this->readstyle(); }
function setStyle($value) { $this->writestyle($value); }
* Control to group another controls inside a frame
class GroupBox extends QWidget
echo " var ". $this->Name. " = new qx.ui.groupbox.GroupBox(\"$this->Caption\");\n ";
echo " $this->Name. setLeft(0);\n ";
echo " $this->Name. setTop(0);\n ";
echo " $this->Name. setWidth( $this->Width);\n ";
echo " $this->Name. setHeight( $this->Height);\n ";
echo " $this->Name. setBackgroundColor( new qx. renderer. color. Color(\" $this->Color\"));\n ";
// set background color the the groupbox caption
echo " var obj = $this->Name. getLegendObject();\n ";
echo " if (obj) obj.setBackgroundColor(new qx.renderer.color.Color(\"$this->Color\"));\n ";
//Publish some properties
function getFont() { return $this->readFont(); }
function setFont($value) { $this->writeFont($value); }
function getParentFont() { return $this->readParentFont(); }
function setParentFont($value) { $this->writeParentFont($value); }
function getParentColor() { return $this->readParentColor(); }
function setParentColor($value) { $this->writeParentColor($value); }
function getParentShowHint() { return $this->readParentShowHint(); }
function setParentShowHint($value) { $this->writeParentShowHint($value); }
function getShowHint() { return $this->readShowHint(); }
function setShowHint($value) { $this->writeShowHint($value); }
function getAlignment() { return $this->readAlignment(); }
function setAlignment($value) { $this->writeAlignment($value); }
function getCaption() { return $this->readCaption(); }
function setCaption($value) { $this->writeCaption($value); }
function getColor() { return $this->readColor(); }
function setColor($value) { $this->writeColor($value); }
function getVisible() { return $this->readVisible(); }
function setVisible($value) { $this->writeVisible($value); }
function __construct($aowner=null)
//Calls inherited constructor
//This control can hold another controls
$this->ControlStyle= "csAcceptsControls=1";
* The typical apple-like tabview-replacements which could also be found
* in more modern versions of the settings dialog in Mozilla Firefox.
class CustomButtonView extends QWidget
protected $_position=btLeft;
protected $_items=array();
protected $_images = null;
private function dumpButtons($name, $items)
if ($event!= '') $event= ", $event";
else $event=", function dummy(){}";
if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning) == csDesigning) $event= ", function dummy(){}";
echo " <!-- Define Buttons - Start -->\n";
while(list($index, $item) = each($items))
if (($this->_images != null) && (is_object($this->_images)))
$image = $this->_images->readImageByID($imageindex, 1);
$itemname = $name . "_" . $index;
echo " var $itemname = new qx.ui.pageview.buttonview.Button(\"$caption\");\n";
echo " var $itemname = new qx.ui.pageview.buttonview.Button(\"$caption\", $image);\n";
__QLibrary_SetCursor($itemname, $this->Cursor);
// echo " $itemname.addEventListener(\"execute\", " . $this->Name . "_clickwrapper);\n";
echo " $itemname.tag=$tag;\n";
echo " $itemname.addEventListener(\"click\"$event);\n";
echo " <!-- Define Buttons - Start -->\n";
echo " $name.getBar().add(" . implode(",", $elements) . ");\n";
echo " $name" . "_0.setChecked(true);\n";
function dumpHeaderCode()
//This function is used as a common click processor for all item clicks
// echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
// echo "function $this->Name"."_clickwrapper(e)\n";
// echo " submit=true; \n";
// if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning) != csDesigning)
// if ($this->JsOnClick!=null)
// echo " submit=".$this->JsOnClick."(e);\n";
// echo " var tag=e.getTarget().tag;\n";
// echo " if ((tag!=0) && (submit))\n";
// echo " var hid=findObj('$this->Name"."_state');\n";
// echo " if (hid) hid.value=tag;\n";
// if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning) != csDesigning)
// $form = "document.".$this->owner->Name;
// echo " if (($form.onsubmit) && (typeof($form.onsubmit) == 'function')) { $form.onsubmit(); }\n";
// echo " $form.submit();\n";
switch ($this->_position)
case btRight: $position = "right"; break;
case btBottom: $position = "bottom"; break;
case btLeft: $position = "left"; break;
echo " var i = new qx.ui.basic.Inline(\"$this->Name\");\n ";
echo " i.setHeight(\"auto\");\n";
echo " i.setWidth(\"auto\");\n";
echo " var $this->Name = new qx. ui. pageview. buttonview. ButtonView;\n ";
echo " $this->Name. setLeft(0);\n ";
echo " $this->Name. setTop(0);\n ";
echo " $this->Name. setWidth( $this->Width);\n ";
echo " $this->Name. setHeight( $this->Height);\n ";
echo " $this->Name. setBarPosition(\" $position\");\n ";
$this->dumpButtons($this->Name, $this->_items);
function __construct($aowner=null)
//Calls inherited constructor
$this->ControlStyle= "csSlowRedraw=1";
* Lists the images that can appear beside individual menu items.
protected function readImageList() { return $this->_images; }
protected function writeImageList($value) { $this->_images= $this->fixupProperty($value); }
function defaultImageList() { return ""; }
* Use Items to access information about the elements in the menu.
* Item contain information about Caption, associated image and Tag.
* @return item collection
protected function readItems() { return $this->_items; }
protected function writeItems($value) { $this->_items= $value; }
* Defines a position/orientation of the ButtonView
* @return enum (btTop, btBottom, btLeft, btRight)
function readPosition() { return $this->_position; }
function writePosition($value)
if ($this->_position!= $value)
if (($this->_position = btLeft) || ($this->_position = btRight))
$this->Height=$w; $this->Width=$h;
if (($this->_position = btTop) || ($this->_position = btBottom))
$this->Height=$w; $this->Width=$h;
function defaultPosition() { return btLeft; }
class ButtonView extends CustomButtonView
//Publish common properties
function getFont() { return $this->readFont(); }
function setFont($value) { $this->writeFont($value); }
function getParentFont() { return $this->readParentFont(); }
function setParentFont($value) { $this->writeParentFont($value); }
function getAlignment() { return $this->readAlignment(); }
function setAlignment($value) { $this->writeAlignment($value); }
function getCaption() { return $this->readCaption(); }
function setCaption($value) { $this->writeCaption($value); }
function getColor() { return $this->readColor(); }
function setColor($value) { $this->writeColor($value); }
function getVisible() { return $this->readVisible(); }
function setVisible($value) { $this->writeVisible($value); }
function getjsOnClick() { return $this->readjsOnClick(); }
function setjsOnClick($value) { $this->writejsOnClick($value); }
function getImageList() { return $this->readImageList(); }
function setImageList($value) { $this->writeImageList($value); }
function getItems() { return $this->readItems(); }
function setItems($value) { $this->writeItems($value); }
function getPosition() { return $this->readPosition(); }
function setPosition($value) { $this->writePosition($value); }
define('orHorizontal', 'orHorizontal');
define('orVertical', 'orVertical');
* CustomRadioGroup is the base class for radio-group components.
* When the user checks a radio button, all other radio buttons in its group become unchecked.
class CustomRadioGroup extends FocusControl
protected $_onclick = null;
protected $_onsubmit = null;
protected $_datasource = null;
protected $_datafield = "";
protected $_itemindex = -1;
protected $_items = array();
protected $_orientation = orVertical;
function __construct($aowner = null)
//Calls inherited constructor
$this->ControlStyle= "csRenderOwner=1";
$this->ControlStyle= "csRenderAlso=StyleSheet";
$submitted = $this->input->{$this->Name};
if (is_object($submitted))
$changed = ($this->_itemindex != $submitted->asString());
// the ItemIndex might be an integer or a string,
$this->_itemindex = $submitted->asString();
// only update the data field if the item index was changed
// following somehow does not work here:
// if (array_key_exists($this->_itemindex, $this->_items)) { $this->updateDataField($this->_items[$this->_itemindex]); }
// so let's do it like this...
foreach ($this->_items as $key => $item)
if ($key == $this->_itemindex)
//If there is any valid DataField attached, update it
$submitted = $this->input->{$this->Name};
if (is_object($submitted))
// Allow the OnSubmit event to be fired because it is not
// a mouse or keyboard event.
if ($this->_onsubmit != null)
$submitEvent = $this->input->{$this->getJSWrapperHiddenFieldName()};
if (is_object($submitEvent) && $this->_enabled == 1)
// check if the a click event has been fired
// get the string for the JS Events
$events = $this->readJsEvents();
// add or replace the JS events with the wrappers if necessary
// get the Font attributes
$style .= $this->Font->FontString;
$style .= "background-color: " . $this->Color . ";";
// add the cursor to the style
$cr = strtolower(substr($this->_cursor, 2));
$style .= "cursor: $cr;";
$style .= "height:" . $h . "px;width:" . $w . "px;";
// set enabled/disabled status
$enabled = (!$this->_enabled) ? "disabled=\"disabled\"" : "";
// set tab order if tab stop set to true
$taborder = ($this->_tabstop == 1) ? "tabindex=\"$this->_taborder\" " : "";
// get the hint attribute; returns: title="[HintText]"
$hint = $this->getHintAttribute();
if ($style != "") $style = "style=\"$style\"";
if ($style != "") $spanstyle = "style=\"$spanstyle\"";
// get the alignment of the Items
$alignment = "align=\"Left\"";
$alignment = "align=\"Center\"";
$alignment = "align=\"Right\"";
if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning) != csDesigning)
//check if the value of the current data-field is in the itmes array as value
$val = $this->readDataFieldValue();
$ds = $this->_datasource->DataSet;
//TODO: Save the position of the current record so we can reset it after the loop
// iterate through all records and add them
// get the corresponding key to the value read from the data source
if (($key = array_search($val, $this->_items)) !== FALSE)
// if an item was found the overwrite the itemindex
$this->_itemindex = $key;
//Dumps hidden fields to know which is the record to update
$class = ($this->Style != "") ? "class=\"$this->StyleClass\" " : "";
// call the OnShow event if assigned so the Items property can be changed
echo "<table id=\"{ $this->_name}_table\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" $style $class> ";
if (is_array($this->_items))
// if horizontal then only add one row
echo ($this->_orientation == orHorizontal) ? "<tr>" : "";
// $index is used to call the JS RadioGroupClick function
foreach ($this->_items as $key => $item)
// add the checked attribut if the itemindex is the current item
$checked = ($this->_itemindex == $key) ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "";
// only allow an OnClick if enabled
$itemclick = ($this->_enabled == 1 && $this->Owner != null) ? "onclick=\"return RadioGroupClick(document.forms[0].$this->_name, $index);\" " : "";
// add a new row for every item
echo ($this->_orientation == orVertical) ? "<tr>\n" : "";
echo "<td width=\"20\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"radio\" id=\"{ $this->_name}_{ $key}\" name=\" $this->_name\" value=\" $key\" $events $checked $enabled $taborder $hint $class />\n ";
echo "</td><td $alignment>\n";
echo "<span id=\"{ $this->_name}_{ $key}_caption\" $itemclick $hint $spanstyle $class> $item</ span>\n ";
echo ($this->_orientation == orVertical) ? "</tr>\n" : "";
echo ($this->_orientation == orHorizontal) ? "</tr>" : "";
// add a hidden field so we can determine which radiogroup fired the event
if ($this->_onclick != null)
$hiddenwrapperfield = $this->getJSWrapperHiddenFieldName();
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"$hiddenwrapperfield\" name=\"$hiddenwrapperfield\" value=\"\" />";
* Write the Javascript section to the header
function dumpJavascript()
if ($this->_onclick != null && !defined($this->_onclick))
// only output the same function once;
// otherwise if for example two radio groups use the same
// OnClick event handler it would be outputted twice.
// output the wrapper function
// only output the function once
if (!defined('RadioGroupClick'))
define('RadioGroupClick', 1);
function RadioGroupClick(elem, index)
if (typeof(elem.length) == 'undefined') {
return (typeof(elem.onclick) == 'function') ? elem.onclick() : false;
if (index >= 0 && index < elem.length) {
elem[index].checked = true;
return (typeof(elem[index].onclick) == 'function') ? elem[index].onclick() : false;
* Return the number of itmes in the radio group.
return count($this->_items);
* Adds an item to the radio group control.
* @param mixed $item Value of item to add.
* @param mixed $object Object to assign to the $item. is_object() is used to
* test if $object is an object.
* @param mixed $itemkey Key of the item in the array. Default key is used if null.
* @return integer Return the number of items in the list.
function AddItem($item, $object = null, $itemkey = null)
throw new Exception('Object functionallity for RadioGroup is not yet implemented.');
//Set the array to the end
//Adds the item as the last one
$this->_items[$itemkey] = $item;
* Deletes all of the items from the list control.
* Occurs when the user clicks the control.
* @return mixed Returns the event handler or null if no handler is set.
function readOnClick() { return $this->_onclick; }
* Occurs when the user clicks the control.
* @param mixed Event handler or null if no handler is set.
function writeOnClick($value) { $this->_onclick = $value; }
function defaultOnClick() { return null; }
* Occurs when the control was submitted.
* @return mixed Returns the event handler or null if no handler is set.
function readOnSubmit() { return $this->_onsubmit; }
* Occurs when the control was submitted.
* @param mixed Event handler or null if no handler is set.
function writeOnSubmit($value) { $this->_onsubmit= $value; }
function defaultOnSubmit() { return null; }
* Fieldname this control is attached to
function readDataField() { return $this->_datafield; }
function writeDataField($value) { $this->_datafield = $value; }
function defaultDataField() { return ""; }
* Datasource this control is attached to
function readDataSource() { return $this->_datasource; }
function writeDataSource($value)
function defaultDataSource() { return null; }
* Returns the value of the ItemIndex property.
* @return mixed Return the ItemIndex of the list.
function readItemIndex() { return $this->_itemindex; }
* Set new ItemIndex value.
* @param mixed $value Value of the new ItemIndex.
function writeItemIndex($value) { $this->_itemindex = $value; }
function defaultItemIndex() { return -1; }
* Contains the strings that appear in the radio group.
function readItems() { return $this->_items; }
* Contains the strings that appear in the radio group.
function writeItems($value)
$this->_items = (empty($value)) ? array() : array($value);
function defaultItems() { return array(); }
* Orientation of the radio button within the group.
* @return enum (orHorizontal, orVertical)
function readOrientation() { return $this->_orientation; }
* Orientation of the radio button within the group.
* @param enum (orHorizontal, orVertical)
function writeOrientation($value) { $this->_orientation= $value; }
function defaultOrientation() { return orVertical; }
* TabOrder indicates in which order controls are access when using
* The value of the TabOrder can be between 0 and 32767.
function readTabOrder() { return $this->_taborder; }
* TabOrder indicates in which order controls are access when using
* The value of the TabOrder can be between 0 and 32767.
function writeTabOrder($value) { $this->_taborder= $value; }
function defaultTabOrder() { return 0; }
* Enable or disable the TabOrder property. The browser may still assign
* a TabOrder by itself internally. This cannot be controlled by HTML.
function readTabStop() { return $this->_tabstop; }
* Enable or disable the TabOrder property. The browser may still assign
* a TabOrder by itself internally. This cannot be controlled by HTML.
function writeTabStop($value) { $this->_tabstop= $value; }
function defaultTabStop() { return 1; }
* RadioGroup represents a group of radio buttons that function together.
class RadioGroup extends CustomRadioGroup
* Publish the events for the CheckBox component
function getOnClick () { return $this->readOnClick(); }
function setOnClick($value) { $this->writeOnClick($value); }
function getOnSubmit () { return $this->readOnSubmit(); }
function setOnSubmit ($value) { $this->writeOnSubmit($value); }
* Publish the JS events for the CheckBox component
function getjsOnBlur () { return $this->readjsOnBlur(); }
function setjsOnBlur ($value) { $this->writejsOnBlur($value); }
function getjsOnChange () { return $this->readjsOnChange(); }
function setjsOnChange ($value) { $this->writejsOnChange($value); }
function getjsOnClick () { return $this->readjsOnClick(); }
function setjsOnClick ($value) { $this->writejsOnClick($value); }
function getjsOnDblClick () { return $this->readjsOnDblClick(); }
function setjsOnDblClick ($value) { $this->writejsOnDblClick($value); }
function getjsOnFocus () { return $this->readjsOnFocus(); }
function setjsOnFocus ($value) { $this->writejsOnFocus($value); }
function getjsOnMouseDown () { return $this->readjsOnMouseDown(); }
function setjsOnMouseDown ($value) { $this->writejsOnMouseDown($value); }
function getjsOnMouseUp () { return $this->readjsOnMouseUp(); }
function setjsOnMouseUp ($value) { $this->writejsOnMouseUp($value); }
function getjsOnMouseOver () { return $this->readjsOnMouseOver(); }
function setjsOnMouseOver ($value) { $this->writejsOnMouseOver($value); }
function getjsOnMouseMove () { return $this->readjsOnMouseMove(); }
function setjsOnMouseMove ($value) { $this->writejsOnMouseMove($value); }
function getjsOnMouseOut () { return $this->readjsOnMouseOut(); }
function setjsOnMouseOut ($value) { $this->writejsOnMouseOut($value); }
function getjsOnKeyPress () { return $this->readjsOnKeyPress(); }
function setjsOnKeyPress ($value) { $this->writejsOnKeyPress($value); }
function getjsOnKeyDown () { return $this->readjsOnKeyDown(); }
function setjsOnKeyDown ($value) { $this->writejsOnKeyDown($value); }
function getjsOnKeyUp () { return $this->readjsOnKeyUp(); }
function setjsOnKeyUp ($value) { $this->writejsOnKeyUp($value); }
* Publish the properties for the CheckBox component
return $this->readAlignment();
function setAlignment($value)
return $this->readColor();
function setColor($value)
return $this->readDataField();
function setDataField($value)
return $this->readDataSource();
function setDataSource($value)
return $this->readEnabled();
function setEnabled($value)
return $this->readFont();
return $this->readItemIndex();
function setItemIndex($value)
return $this->readItems();
function setItems($value)
function getParentColor()
return $this->readParentColor();
function setParentColor($value)
return $this->readParentFont();
function setParentFont($value)
function getParentShowHint()
return $this->readParentShowHint();
function setParentShowHint($value)
return $this->readPopupMenu();
function setPopupMenu($value)
function getOrientation()
return $this->readOrientation();
function setOrientation($value)
return $this->readShowHint();
function setShowHint($value)
function getStyle() { return $this->readstyle(); }
function setStyle($value) { $this->writestyle($value); }
return $this->readTabOrder();
function setTabOrder($value)
return $this->readTabStop();
function setTabStop($value)
return $this->readVisible();
function setVisible($value)
* A component to show simple shapes
class Shape extends Control
protected $_shape=stRectangle;
function dumpHeaderCode()
if (( $this->ControlState & csDesigning ) == csDesigning )
echo "<div id=\"" . $this->Name . "_outer\" style=\"Z-INDEX: 2; WIDTH: "
. $this->Width . "px; HEIGHT: " . $this->Height . "px\">";
$penwidth = max($this->Pen->Width, 1);
// need to center the shape
$size = min($this->Width, $this->Height) / 2 - $penwidth * 4;
$x2= max($this->Width, 2) - $penwidth * 2;
$y2= max($this->Height, 2) - $penwidth * 2;
$w = max($this->Width, 1);
$h = max($this->Height, 1);
$this->_canvas->Pen->Color = $this->Pen->Color;
// $this->_canvas->Pen->Style = $this->Pen->Style;
$this->_canvas->Pen->Width = $this->Pen->Width;
$this->_canvas->Brush->Color = $this->Brush->Color;
$this->_canvas->FillRect($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$this->_canvas->Rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$this->_canvas->RoundRect($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $s / 4, $s / 4);
$this->_canvas->Ellipse($x1, $y1, $x2 - 1, $y2 - 1);
$this->_canvas->Ellipse($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
function __construct($aowner=null)
//Calls inherited constructor
$this->_brush= new Brush();
$this->_canvas = new Canvas($this);
* Specifies the shape of the control.
* @return enum (stRectangle, stSquare, stRoundRect, stRoundSquare, stEllipse, stCircle)
function readShape() { return $this->_shape; }
function writeShape($value) { $this->_shape= $value; }
function defaultShape() { return stRectangle; }
* Specifies the pen used to outline the shape control.
protected function readPen() { return $this->_pen; }
protected function writePen($value) { if (is_object($value)) $this->_pen= $value; }
* Specifies the color and pattern used for filling the shape control.
protected function readBrush() { return $this->_brush; }
protected function writeBrush($value) { if (is_object($value)) $this->_brush= $value; }
// Published common properties
function getHint() { return $this->_hint; }
function setHint($value) { $this->_hint= $value; }
function getVisible() { return $this->readVisible(); }
function setVisible($value) { $this->writeVisible($value); }
function getShape() { return $this->readShape(); }
function setShape($value) { $this->writeShape($value); }
function getPen() { return $this->readPen(); }
function setPen($value) { $this->writePen($value); }
function getBrush() { return $this->readBrush(); }
function setBrush($value) { $this->writeBrush($value); }
* A component to show beveled graphics
class Bevel extends GraphicControl
protected $_bevelstyle=bsLowered;
function dumpHeaderCode()
if (( $this->ControlState & csDesigning ) == csDesigning )
echo "<div id=\"" . $this->Name . "_outer\" style=\"Z-INDEX: 2; WIDTH: "
. $this->Width . "px; HEIGHT: " . $this->Height . "px\">";
$w = max($this->Width, 1);
$h = max($this->Height, 1);
if (( $this->ControlState & csDesigning ) == csDesigning )
$this->_canvas->Pen->Color = "#000000";
if ($this->_shape == bsSpacer)
// $this->_canvas->Pen->Style = psDot;
$this->_canvas->Rectangle(0, 0, $w, $h);
// $this->_canvas->Pen->Style = psSolid;
if ($this->_bevelstyle == bsLowered)
$this->_canvas->BevelRect(1, 1, $w - 1, $h - 1, $color1, $color2);
$this->_canvas->BevelRect(0, 0, $w - 2, $h - 2, $color1, $color2);
$this->_canvas->BevelLine($color1, 0, 0, $w, 0);
$this->_canvas->BevelLine($color2, 0, 1, $w, 1);
$this->_canvas->BevelLine($color1, 0, $h - 2, $w, $h - 2);
$this->_canvas->BevelLine($color2, 0, $h - 1, $w, $h - 1);
$this->_canvas->BevelLine($color1, 0, 0, 0, $h);
$this->_canvas->BevelLine($color2, 1, 0, 1, $h);
$this->_canvas->BevelLine($color1, $w - 2, 0, $w - 2, $h);
$this->_canvas->BevelLine($color2, $w - 1, 0, $w - 1, $h);
$this->_canvas->BevelRect(0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1, $color1, $color2);
function __construct($aowner=null)
//Calls inherited constructor
$this->_canvas = new Canvas($this);
* Specifies the shape type
function readShape() { return $this->_shape; }
function writeShape($value) { $this->_shape= $value; }
function defaultShape() { return bsBox; }
* Specifies the style used to draw the bevel
function readBevelStyle() { return $this->_bevelstyle; }
function writeBevelStyle($value){ $this->_bevelstyle= $value; }
function defaultBevelStyle() { return bsLowered; }
function getHint() { return $this->_hint; }
function setHint($value) { $this->_hint= $value; }
function getVisible() { return $this->readVisible(); }
function setVisible($value) { $this->writeVisible($value); }
function getShape() { return $this->readShape(); }
function setShape($value) { $this->writeShape($value); }
function getBevelStyle() { return $this->readBevelStyle(); }
function setBevelStyle($value) { $this->writeBevelStyle($value); }
* A component to generate events at specified intervals
class Timer extends Component
protected $_interval = 1000;
protected $_enabled = true;
//protected $_ontimer = null;
protected $_jsontimer = null;
function dumpJSEvent($event)
echo "function $event(event)\n";
echo "var event = event || window.event;\n";
// echo "if (!event) var event = window.event;\n";
if ($this->owner!= null) $this->owner->$event($this, array());
function dumpJavascript()
if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning) == csDesigning) Break;
if (($this->_enabled) && ($this->_jsontimer != null))
echo " var " . $this->Name . "_TimerID = null;\n";
echo " var " . $this->Name . "_OnLoad = null;\n";
echo " function addEvent(obj, evType, fn)\n";
echo " { if (obj.addEventListener)\n";
echo " { obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, false);\n";
echo " else if (obj.attachEvent)\n";
echo " { var r = obj.attachEvent(\"on\"+evType, fn);\n";
echo " function " . $this->Name . "_InitTimer()\n";
echo " { if (" . $this->Name . "_OnLoad != null) " . $this->Name . "_OnLoad();\n";
echo " " . $this->Name . "_DisableTimer();\n";
echo " " . $this->Name . "_EnableTimer();\n";
echo " function " . $this->Name . "_DisableTimer()\n";
echo " { if (" . $this->Name . "_TimerID)\n";
echo " { clearTimeout(" . $this->Name . "_TimerID); \n";
echo " " . $this->Name . "_TimerID = null;\n";
echo " function " . $this->Name . "_Event()\n";
echo " var event = event || window.event; \n";
echo " if (" . $this->Name . "_TimerID)\n";
echo " { " . $this->Name . "_DisableTimer();\n";
echo " " . $this->_jsontimer . "(event);\n";
echo " " . $this->Name . "_EnableTimer();\n";
echo " function " . $this->Name . "_EnableTimer()\n";
echo " { " . $this->Name . "_TimerID = self.setTimeout(\"" . $this->Name . "_Event()\", $this->_interval);\n ";
echo " if (window.onload) " . $this->Name . "_OnLoad=window.onload;\n";
echo " addEvent(window, 'load', " . $this->Name . "_InitTimer);\n";
* Controls whether the timer generates OnTimer events periodically.
protected function readEnabled() { return $this->_enabled; }
protected function writeEnabled($value) { $this->_enabled= $value; }
protected function defaultEnabled() { return true; }
* Determines the amount of time, in milliseconds, that passes before
* the timer component initiates another OnTimer event.
protected function readInterval() { return $this->_interval; }
protected function writeInterval($value) { $this->_interval= $value; }
protected function defaultInterval() { return 1000; }
//protected function readOnTimer() { return $this->_ontimer; }
//protected function writeOnTimer($value) { $this->_ontimer=$value; }
//protected function defaultOnTimer() { return null; }
* Occurs when a specified amount of time, determined by the Interval
* property, has passed. (JS event)
protected function readjsOnTimer() { return $this->_jsontimer; }
protected function writejsOnTimer($value) { $this->_jsontimer= $value; }
protected function defaultjsOnTimer() { return null; }
function getEnabled() { return $this->readEnabled(); }
function setEnabled($value) { $this->writeEnabled($value); }
function getInterval() { return $this->readInterval(); }
function setInterval($value) { $this->writeInterval($value); }
//function getOnTimer() { return $this->readOnTimer(); }
//function setOnTimer($value) { $this->writeOnTimer($value); }
function getjsOnTimer() { return $this->readjsOnTimer(); }
function setjsOnTimer($value) { $this->writejsOnTimer($value); }
class PaintBox extends Control
protected $_canvas = null;
protected $_onpaint = null;
function dumpHeaderCode()
if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning)!== csDesigning)
if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning)== csDesigning)
echo "<table width=\"$this->Width\" height=\" $this->Height\" border=\"0\" style=\" border: 1 px dotted #000000\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n ";
echo "<td align=\"center\">$this->Name</ td>\n ";
if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning) != csDesigning)
// set height and width to the style attribute
$style .= "height:" . $this->Height . "px;width:" . $this->Width . "px;";
$style .= "height:100%;width:100%;";
$events = $this->readJsEvents();
echo "<div id=\"$this->_name\" style=\" $style\" $events > ";
function __construct($aowner=null)
//Calls inherited constructor
$this->_canvas = new Canvas($this);
function getPopupMenu() { return $this->readPopupMenu(); }
function setPopupMenu($value) { $this->writePopupMenu($value); }
* Fired when the control requires you to paint its contents
protected function readOnPaint() { return $this->_onpaint; }
protected function writeOnPaint($value) { $this->_onpaint= $value; }
function getOnPaint() { return $this->readOnPaint(); }
function setOnPaint($value) { $this->writeOnPaint($value); }